News & Blogs

Want to learn more about commercial window cleaning? Read our latest news & blogs about commercial cleaning services, products, key topics, insights and news.
Five Of The Most Common Window Cleaning Mistakes

Five Of The Most Common Window Cleaning Mistakes

Window cleaning is something that we consider to be a skilled trade, so it's not hard for us to understand why people make so many mistakes so often. There is technique to the craft and a reason why your professional window cleaners finish will be ten times better...

The Benefits Of Water Fed Pole Systems

The Benefits Of Water Fed Pole Systems

Traditional window cleaning usually entails a ladder, a squeegee and a cloth to get the job done, but over time our methods have developed for best practice and optimum results. The traditional way took a lot of effort and time that was wasted up and down the ladders...

Ladder Essentials For Professional Window Cleaners

Ladder Essentials For Professional Window Cleaners

Other than the squeegee, a professional window cleaners ladder is his most useful and necessary tool. It seems like it's pretty easy to climb up a ladder and wash a window, however if you are a window cleaner by trade, you will know that when it comes to ladders it is...

Winter Proofing Your Windows!

Winter Proofing Your Windows!

It's that time of year again and Winter is coming thick and fast. For window cleaners, winter can be tough especially with the high chances of frozen pipes, tanks, and of course, windows. It can be a really difficult time to be out cleaning glass, but we're here to...

3 Reasons To Take Care Of Your Cladding

3 Reasons To Take Care Of Your Cladding

More and more business have exterior cladding on their premises, and looking after it may be more important than you originally thought. Cladding is likely to be made from aluminium, steel, re-constituted stone, or plastic, and can provide a good quality and easily...

The Benefits Of Having A Commercial Window Cleaner

The Benefits Of Having A Commercial Window Cleaner

  Having a commercial window cleaner taking care of your business is more important to many aspects of your business than you may initially think. In this post we are looking at the many benefits that having a commercial window cleaner gives to your...